Wordpress, Zapier, Google Docs
Last updated
Wordpress, Zapier, Google Docs
Last updated
Cuppa supports a variety of integrations to enhance your content creation workflow.
You can connect and utilize different services within Cuppa to get the most out of the platform.
Google Drive
Zapier (send Cuppa content anywhere - see below)
Shopify (Coming Soon) (Coming Soon)
API (Coming Soon)
Wordpress Integration
Our WP integration is done with an Application Password at the user level of the Wordpress Site. Here is a quick guide to get started.
Go to your USER Profile and find the APPLICATION PASSWORD in the profile.
Create a Cuppa Application Password and copy it.
In Cuppa, go to your integrations and input the following data:
Username for the WP SITE
URL of the WP SITE (do not include anything but the site URL)
Application Password that you just copied from the user
Please note: We do come across connection issues due to either Plugins (security specifically) and hosting issues. Unfortunately Wordpress will always have these issues when there is conflicting elements in their site.